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Mission is our focus. 

Mission (宣教 差傳) is our purpose.  Our name, LLWWEM, the last letter "M" stands for Mission.  In 1942, the two last words "Evangelistic Mission" was translated into Chinese as 佈道會, or Organization of Evangelistic Mission. So, you can see Mission is the critical part of our name.

In this webpage, we have stories, testimonies, witnesses, or other sharing concerning past mission projects sponsored by churches within LLWWEMA.  We cordially ask you to give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, and we sincerely thank you for your prayer support, financial support, or even physical participation!

The following Mission Sharing is arranged according to the COUNTRIES of the Mission Field Locations:

Australia; Burma; Canada; China; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Kyrgyzstan; Lebanon; Mexico; Panama; Philippines; Senegal; Taiwan (ROC); Thailand; United Arab Emirates (UAE); USA


Burma: Although this neighboring country of China recently changed its name to Myanmar, Burma is still the name known internationally.  In the northern part of Burma, bordering to Thailand, God has put in many missionaries to work, particularly among the Wah people.  Since 1993, Torrance BOL Church had sent missionaries there for over 14 years.  Hong Kong LLC also have sent missionaries there in the past 3+ years.  May our Lord bless all these missionaries.  To learn more, please click Wah People.

Canada: Don't think there is no mission project opportunity in this "Christian Country" ... one recent example is 2007 Summer Youth Retreat, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ... hosted jointly by Toronto LLC and Grace LLC Toronto, participated by the Short Term Mission Team from Torrance BOL ... August 15-19, 2007.

Toronto SBC, July 2006 ... As early as in early 2005, Rev. Ian Bush of Toronto Ling Ling Liang Church (TLLC) mentioned in a meeting at Torrnce BOL church the desire of his church to hold a Summer Bible Camp (SBC, usually also called VBS), but was lack of resources.  Torrance BOL church responded enthusiastically to volunteer for recruiting a team to assist his church.  In early 2006, other NAD churches were contacted for their participation.  New York Ling Liang Church responded and wanted to be a part of the team.  Praise God, by the beginning of summer, we formed a team of six, two from New York and four from Torrance.  At the meantime, the TLLC was forming a staff from both TLLC and Grace Ling Liang Church Toronto (GLLC) under the leadership of Queenie Chow.   In June, about two months before the VBS, Brother Sam Lee of Torrance BOL went to Toronto to meet with the Toronto VBS staff for a weekend of orientation and training.  During the month of July, TLLC put in a great effort to promote the SBC in their neighborhood.  By the time the SBC began, there were over 29 children came though over 30 had signed up.   The week-long SBC ran from 9 to 4 everyday.  Like most VBS, it included Bible classes, music, crafts, snacks and games in our daily routine.  The SBC program began the day with staff meeting and prayer and end the day with discussion on how we might do better.  Everyone was enthusiastic and cooperative.  Working with the children with and each other were of a time of joy as evidenced by smiles and laughters.  Toward the end of SBC, we made an intentional effort to share the Gospel with the children, some were on a one-to-one setting.  To our knowledge, at lease 7 had accepted Christ as Savior.  Both the staff and the STM team came away with the feeling that we had indeed brought glory to God.   We also established a new sense of kinship with each other.  We all hope that our effort would be a beginning of a new adventure with each other in serving our Lord through the Ling Liang churches in North America, particularly in Canada.  Click Toronto 2006 SBC to see the happy faces of the participants of this exciting Short Term Mission team and their children!

China:  No doubt about it ... China has become one of the most intense mission fields for member churches in LLWWEMA.  On going Short Term Mission teams (up to 6 months), Medium Term Mission teams (6 -24 months) and Long Term Mission teams (longer than 2 years) are being sent to China on regular basis by churches in HK District and NAD District.  For example, Torrance BOL Church has sent several Long Term Mission teams into China since 1990s and currently more than 5 Short Term Mission teams are sent to China working for the Lord each year.  May our Lord bless His work in this important country ... for some of us, with our heart and compassion ... we call China as our "Home Land" ... bit now, we call Chian as "His Land" (神州)!  GOD BLESS CHINA!

Hong Kong:


Indonesia: Caring & Sharing Visitation, Jakarta, Indonesia, hosted by LLWWEM Indonesia District, participated by the Short Term Mission Team from Torrance BOL Church ... September 12 - 23, 2007.

Kyrgyzstan: Since 2000, some of member churches of LLWWEMA have participated in Short Term Mission team to this remote country to work with Dong-Gan people.  As recently as August 2007, Torrance BOL church had a Short Term Mission team worked in this country ... Read the moving story about Dong-Gan people here ... 东干族(Дунгане)属于近百年新兴民族,源自中国甘肃及陕西回族。传说指百多年多这支回族迁入中亚时,被问到他们从哪里来,他们说“东甘”(甘肃东部),从此东干成为这民族分支的称呼,1942年俄国亦以“东干”一词,正式为这支民族命名。东干人现时散播在吉尔吉斯斯坦莫斯科区、哈萨克斯坦江布尔州、和乌兹别克斯坦奥什州,主要信奉伊斯兰教,为多个前苏联加盟国的民族成员,但他们人口约10万多,在各中亚国家只属少数民族。 If you wish to read more touching story about Dong-Gan people, click STORY OF DONG-GAN PEOPLE.

LEBANON:  At the beginning of this 21st century,  just before "Back to Jerusalem Movement" became a buzz word, member churches of LLWWEMA have been sending Missionaries and Mission Teams to the Arabian Peninsula, including this turbulent country.  For example, Torrance BOL Church has Long Term Mission team working in Beirut, a beautiful yet troublesome city in Lebanon.  Let's continue praying for the Arabian Peninsula!

Mexico: Mexico Outreach Mission ... Torrance BOL Church has been sponsoring short term missions to Mexico for many years.  In Torrance BOL church, we have another name for it ... "Ling Liang para Mexico"  (this is the Spanish way of saying "Bread of Life for Mexico" ... click our Archived and Latest Newsletter for see our recent Mexico and Panama Mission Newsletters

Panama: Panama Outreach Mission ... Torrance BOL Church has been sponsoring short term missions to Mexico for many years ... now this Mission has been expand to include the Mission to Panama.  Please click NEWSLETTERS for see our recent Mexico and Panama Mission Newsletters

Philippines: BLCC St Johns, one of LLWWEMA member church in Philippines are seriously planning for their mission work.  Click here to see the very First Mission Conference held October 27, 2007. They had four very bold speakers who gave reasons why we should do mission work, what to expect and many other pointers.  

Senegal: God did not forget the people in West Africa like the 12.5 million men, women, and children in Senegal.  Kowloon LLC has been working with 香港環球福音會 (WEC) in supporting missionary family of Dr. Lee (李偉明 陳少玲宣教士伉儷) working in this remote country ... Click 7月份資料(中文) to read their exciting prayer letter and let's pray for them together!

Taiwan, Republic of China: Summer 2007 Children's English Bible Camp, Chi-lung, Taiwan, ROC, participated by the Short Term Mission Team from Torrance BOL Church ... July 2 to 13, 2007 

ThailandIn the northern region of this country, not too far from the summer resort Chiang Mai,  bordering to Burma, God has put in many missionaries to work, particularly among the Wah people.  Since 1993, Torrance BOL Church had sent missionaries there for over 14 years.  Hong Kong LLC also have sent missionaries there in the past 3+ years.  May our Lord bless all these missionaries.  To learn more, please click Wah People.

United Arab Emirates (UAE): Since 2000, just before "Back to Jerusalem Movement" became a buzz word, member churches of LLWWEMA have been sending Missionaries and Mission Teams to the Arabian Peninsula, including this booming country.  For example, Torrance BOL Church had sent Long Term Mission team to Dubai, a vastly changing metropolitan city in UAE.  Let's continue praying for the Arabian Peninsula!

USA:  Don't think there is no mission project opportunity in this "Christian Country" ... one recent example is 2007 Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS), New York City, NY, USA, hosted by New York LLC, participated by the Short Term Mission Team from Torrance BOL ... June 29 - July 8, 2007.  A Short Term Mission Team of 6 participated with NYLLC's brothers and sisters ... together, they ran the VBS from 9 to 5 everyday for a week.  Working in Unity of Christ, they gave orientation and coordination, helped to decorate, led music, taught Bible stories and crafts, and conducted games.  The team from Torrance BOL is grateful to have had the privilege to be blessed by the many happy experiences while serving with brothers and sisters from NYLLC.  Click HAPPY NYLLC VBS for more of their sharing!  May our Lord bless His work in this important country ... GOD BLESS AMERICA!